Thursday, January 26, 2012

Let's Make a List Together!

I'm not purposely trying to create a cliffhanger about the electronics versus toys.  I just haven't had enough time to sit at the computer long enough to get it all out.

And today is no different.

So how about we do this instead...

Tell me a couple of your favorite special needs books.

What books have really helped you in your journey?  Or inspired you?  Or given you a sense of hope?  What books have let you know that you're not alone?  Made you laugh instead of cry?  Or laugh and cry??

I'll add the books that we come up with to the Resources section of the blog.

All of us can use a good recommendation from time to time so let's hear some titles, folks!


  1. I haven't read a bunch of them yet. Just dipping my toes in the water right now, so this will be a post I'll have to follow up on.

  2. I have an essay in Sensational Journeys (edited by Hartley Steiner) so, I'd say that's a pretty good one ;-) I'm also reading Lynn Huboda' collection (Wit & Wisdom...) and am really enjoying that too!

    1. Oh, and duh! I almost forgot the de-facto book to have on hand when dealing with sensory issues.... The Out-of-Sync Child!

  3. I don't really read special needs books. I figure I live it, I don't need to read about it...ha. I do like Shut Up About Your Perfect Kid.

  4. Ditto on The Out-of-Sync Child. But can't think of any that encouraged me. Real life moms that I see face to face that can relate and brainstorm has been a valuable source!

  5. I'm agreeing with Karla on Sensational Journeys which I also have an essay in. Others...The Child with Autism at Home and in the Community by Kathy Labosh, Healing and Preventing Autism: A Complete Guide by Jenny McCarthy, The Late Talker: What to do if your child isn't talking by Dr. Marilyn Agin, Disconnected Kids by Robert Melilo

    I could go on and on. I'm kind of book junkie.

  6. I love Big Daddy's book, Tales from the Lighter Side and, natch - Wit and WIsdom of Special Needs Parents. But truly, the special needs book that has made a difference in our lives will always -far beyond anything else - is Autism and its Medical Management by Michael Chez, M.D. our pediatric neurologist. He has done more for T in the short time we've known him - by the book - literally than anyone else could. And that book has been an amazing and accurate guide to T's treatment and life.

  7. I am not the parent of a special needs child, but am blessed to get to buddy with a few at church.
    I have had a great relationship with a sweet young man with Down's Syndrome for years, but had not had exposure to children with Autism, so the book that I got that really help me gain a tiny level of understanding was "10 Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew" by Eileen Notbohm.
    I would love some suggestions for those of us not living with special needs children every day, but want to love and help those that do. Any other suggestions out there??


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