Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Just Passing Through....


I survived the first day of boot camp.

One day down, fourteen to go.

I am so utterly exhausted that I am just going to cheat and take the easy way out today.

I am passing along two things that I think you'll like.

The first is a list of 100 Healthy Snack Ideas from the blog, Six Sisters' Stuff.

Pinned Image

Since I'm doing boot camp, I'm trying to watch what I'm eating as well.  But I'm a big snacker.  This list has helped me make some smarter choices when I'm standing in front of the pantry looking for something to munch on.

The second is just a little something to read for fun.  It's called If You Give A Mom A Muffin and was recently posted by "Andrew's Mom" over at Kids, Autism, and Finding Joy.  If you're familiar with the series of kids' books by Laura Numeroff, you'll recognize the rhythm of the story.



  1. I love me a good fruit salad.

    You know, with french fries.

    1. Personally, I think that fruit would be a whole lot better with some chocolate syrup all over it.

  2. And a cheeseburger. Yeah, a cheeseburger. I'm sorry, I don't think I'm helping.

    That does look good though!

    1. Yes, you and Jim are quite the team. I don't think either of you will get selected as a nutritionist for The Biggest Loser.....

    2. No and please accept my apologies for showing sarcasm instead of support. I am sorry. *Hangs head low*

  3. I'm with Lizbeth and Jim.... fruit salad is only good with whip cream... ooooo! and BACON!

    1. Wow. Boot Camp. Brave lady!! Go you...the 'New Me' approves ;-)

      xx Jazzy

    2. Karla - Oh, chocolate syrup & whipped cream with the fruit! And a side of BACON! Now we're talking.... but not about boot camp.

      Jazzy - I'm glad to make the "New You" happy! :)

  4. Why do you all enjoy the torture?! Oh yeah, it's only me being tortured! I MISS bacon. Truthfully, I loved the healthy snacks post - there are lots of good things there that actually sound amazing when you are starving...

    So interested to hear how the boot camp is going... Not that I'd ever do one but I do like to live vicariously. :)


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