Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Lily Bird is sick.

We went to the After Hours Kids Clinic last night thinking that she just had a really good summer cold.  In fact, the only reason we didn't wait another day is due to the fact that she had a consistently high fever.

It's good we didn't wait another day or two.

Our sweet baby girl has a touch of pneumonia and is well on her way to a full-blown case of it.  One half of her chest is full of congestion and sounds really yucky.  She has a nasty sounding cough.  Oh, and an ear infection to top it all off.

She is now on an antibiotic and we should see improvement by Wednesday.  If not, we'll have to take her for a chest x-ray (of which she has had too many to count!) to determine the next course of action, which could possibly be a stay in the lovely Dell Children's Hospital.

If you think about it, would you please say a little prayer for The Bird?

Because I pity the poor nurses who will have to take care of this child should she need to be admitted.

And I pity myself who will have to crawl up in the "oxygen bubble" with her should she end up in the hospital.

And I pity Ryan who will will have to stand vigil outside the "oxygen bubble" blocking the exit to make sure neither Lily nor myself escapes.

And I pity all of you who will have to bring meals to my family because I can't possibly cook at a time like this.

OK, I don't really feel too bad about free meals.  Never mind about that one.

Let's just say a hospital stay will not be pretty.

And let's pray that all of us can be spared a really dreadful scene.

Thank you.


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